In 1202 a little-known Italian mathematician set out to write an equation that would answer his curious question: how many rabbits could be produced in a year starting from one set? Well, as we all know, he figured it out and became famous for his Fibonacci sequence. His equation is one that has helped us understand our natural world for hundreds of years now, but what about the outcome? How do these numbers compare to the mouse population?
Well, it turns out, he estimated 466 annual bundles of bunny joy from the storied first set. This conclusion was drawn by setting out a few parameters, such as the same number of offspring from each set at each month, and no predators or death over the year. And 466 fuzzy bunnies begetting 466 more bunnies all the time does sound like a lot. But when you take a moment to compare the idea with the actual number of mice that reproduce in a year, you’d be stunned. In fact, Fibonacci was WAY underestimating! In actuality, the average female house mouse can have 5-6 babies at a time, up to 10 times a year! With numbers like that, we are looking at numbers well over the original 466 estimate; probably more like 5,000!
Whether you have one mouse or 5,000, it’s too many. Give us a call today and we’ll get you on your way to a mouse-free house.